A Bike Rack in the Garage Ensures Your Bike Is Stored Properly.
Family biking on a country lane.
Love to bike? Whether that’s mountain biking, cruising through town, hitting the beach, or something else, you need a way to keep your bikes protected and stored properly. Rather than leaving them exposed to the elements and thieves outdoors, install a bike rack in your garage for optimum storage!
Of course, it’s not as simple as installing one and then going about your business. In this post, we’re going to help you understand what’s necessary to get your garage ready for bike storage. We’ll also highlight how to store the bikes properly.
Every garage is unique, which means you need to ensure that you have the right bike storage method for your space, your usage needs, and your bikes. Doing so will help ensure that your bikes are safe and protected. The good news is that there are lots of options when it comes to bike storage. However, what we need to discuss first is your plan.
#1: The Bike Storage Plan
Before doing anything else, you need to create a plan. That will require considering quite a few factors, such as:
● How much space do I have for bike storage?
● How much space do I have in total and can any of it be reconfigured?
● How many bikes will I need to store?
● Do I have any additional bike-related accessories or equipment that must be stored?
● What’s the best way to use my space wisely?
Once you’ve answered these questions, you can start considering the different bike racks for the garage. With the wealth of options available, there’s something for everyone.
#2: Get the Garage in Shape
With your plan in hand, it’s time to start with the physical labor. It’s time to clean and organize your space. Get rid of any unwanted items – garage sales, charitable donations, and trips to the dump are all possibilities. Cleaning is the best way to ensure that you have ample space for both the bike rack and your bikes.
#3: Make Space
How many things do you have stored in the garage that don’t really go there? How many items are on the floor that could be moved to save space? This is when you need to start considering shelving systems, moving items into other areas of the home, and so on. With enough space, you’ll have more than enough room for your bikes, bike rack, and maybe even your car.
#4: Explore Your Options When It Comes to Bike Racks for the Garage
You’ve done a lot of work – the garage is clean, organized, and ready to go. Now it’s time to start exploring your options in terms of bike racks designed for garage use. While there are lots of choices, this guide will simplify things for you. Some of the options we’ll cover below include the following:
● Bicycle lifts that keep the bikes off the ground
● Bike wall storage racks (horizontal or vertical)
● Hanging racks
● Floor bike racks
● Ceiling racks (but make sure the garage door can still open)
Bicycle Lifts
Want to store your bikes off the ground? If so, bicycle lifts are the ideal option for your needs. You’ll find vertical and horizontal options on the market, as well as freestanding racks like those below from TwoWheelingTots.com.
Delta Cycle freestanding bike rack in a home office, holding two bikes
Bike Wall Storage
Have more wall space than floor space? If you haven’t covered the walls up with shelving, you can make use of bike wall storage systems. These allow you to store bikes almost anywhere on the wall, and you’ll find vertical and horizontal systems on the market. These storage options range from full racks to simple hooks and clips, too, and you’ll find different sizes to accommodate different riding needs and bike types, such as mountain bikes, road bikes, and kids’bikes. Check out the CLUG, below. It’s a basic clip but is pretty evocative of your options in this area.
CLUG, the World’s Smallest Bike Rack.
Hanging Racks
If you have more than one or two bikes, you’ll want something a bit more robust than clips and hooks. Hanging bike racks give you the option to store several bikes without taking up a ton of floor space. You could go with a floor-to-ceiling tension rack, but a hoist system might be better suited depending on your needs and goals. Check out the example below. It’s from Rubbermaid and is designed to hang multiple bikes for easy access and excellent organization.
Rubbermaid hanging bike rack for the garage.
Floor Bike Racks
Don’t want to go to the trouble of installing racks on your walls or ceiling? If you have the floor space, freestanding floor bike racks are the simplest option of them all. They’re easily movable and come in a range of capacities and styles, too. Check out some of the great floor bike racks available from top companies like RackMaven.com.
A floor bike rack will fit easily in the garage. This one is the Racor PBS-2R Tow-Bike Floor Bike Stand
Ceiling Racks
Woman loading bike onto saris cycle glide ceiling bike rack (TwoWheelingTots.com)
If floor space is at a premium and you have high ceilings, there’s another option for bike storage in the garage – ceiling racks. While you do need to take care with placement and ensure that you’re not blocking the garage door from opening, this can help you make excellent use of all your space.
Ceiling racks are ideal for those who have multiple bikes to store but cannot give up much in the way of floor or wall space. However, if you have kids, this might not be the best choice.
We’ve covered a lot of different options for bike storage in the garage. In addition to the systems and types, you also need to think about how you use the space in your garage. Think about the number of bikes you need to store, too.
Even if you don’t have many bikes, it might be worth installing a rack that can hold several. As your collection grows, you’ll have space for them. It also works if you have company visit with their bikes.
Of course, bike racks can only do so much to protect your bicycles. Don’t forget to lock the garage door and the pedestrian door. Organization is just one part of safe bike ownership. Theft prevention is also important.
Is Your Garage Ready to Store Bikes?
Wondering how to go about improving your garage bike storage methods? While the storage racks and hangers we covered above will help ensure that you can store bikes safely, it’s also important to make sure that the environment is up to the task. If your garage is in bad shape, it could leave you open to predation by thieves, rust on chains and wheel spokes from condensation, and more.
Speaking of thieves, the best way to deter them is with a strong, locked garage door. However, you also want to consider your pedestrian door. With a pedestrian door located in the garage, you can easily get bikes in and out without having to open the main door. That saves wear and tear and also reduces the chance that you’ll forget to close it.
We also recommend that you take a long, hard look at your garage door opener. If it was manufactured before the early 1990s, then chances are good that it lacks modern photo-cell safety beams on the door. This safety system is designed to prevent the door from closing on anything in its path, whether that’s your bike, your car, or your child.
The photo-cell beam system is comprised of two plastic components. They should be located on the garage door track, about four inches from the floor. The inside edge should contain a glass lens or eye. A beam is projected from one eye to the other and anything breaking that beam will keep the door from closing and force the opener to reverse its direction.
If you use a shed or small garage to keep your bikes and other gear, it might be worth considering an automatic, sectional garage door. It can be very convenient, plus it adds style to your building.
Don’t rush your purchase decision, though. There are many new garage door models on the market today, so take your time and shop around for something like the garage door below.
Love contemporary style? This garage door is a Moderno 2 Beads, 9' x 8', Black, window layout: Left-side Harmony
It’s also important to know what to look for in a quality garage door. One important element is that the door’s insulated. Insulation helps keep the internal temperatures stable throughout the year but also plays a role in other things. It’s measured by R-Value, and the higher the value, the better insulated the door is. Pay attention to weatherstripping, too, as this plays a central role in your fight against condensation.
When shopping around for new garage doors, keep your home’s aesthetic in mind. A contemporary home might benefit from a mid-century modern garage door. However, if your home has a more conventional design, a classic garage door design like the image below might be perfect.
Timeless, classic beauty! These garage doors are Shaker-Flat XL design, 9'x8', Ice White Color, 8 lite Orion windows
Ready for That New Garage Door?
Is it time for a new garage door? If so, your first move should be to contact your local garage door dealer. These specialists are well equipped to help you find the right garage door for your home, your needs, and your budget.
Nordoors Sudbury Ltd., we’d love to speak with you about your needs. Stop by in person, or request a quotation via email. For those who aren’t sure about their style options, make time to explore our 3 styles to learn more and find the right door for your home.
Call us at 1-888-361-9233.
We’re ready and waiting to serve your needs.
Want even more options?
Go to the Design Centre. This tool lets you explore garage door styles, but you can even upload a photo of your home and “try on” doors to see what fits.
Need More Options?
Check out our gallery to find tons of stunning residential garage door choices door options. You’re sure to find inspiration here!
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